did God cause the coronavirus pandemic

Did God Cause This Pandemic?

  Let’s say a fatal disease or pestilence has spread around the world. That shouldn’t be too difficult to imagine. Did God cause this pandemic? Well in Exodus, God sent plagues upon Egypt, including boils and the death of the firstborn. When the Israelites worshiped a golden calf, God afflicted them with pestilence. In Leviticus …

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why so many religions and false teachers?

Why Are There So Many Religions and False Teachers?

  There are a lot of false teachings in the world. Paganism, Gnosticism, Buddism, Hinduism, Sikhism, Taoism, Confucionism, Shaminism, even Judaism, Polytheism, Pantheism, Deism, Darwinism, Naturalism, Secular Humanism, Feminism, Agnosticism, Atheism, and Islam…ism. All these different ways to get to God or be a god or deny God. But Jesus said, “I am the way, …

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christians caring for the environment

What Does the Bible Say About Taking Care of the Environment?

  Hey, have you heard? The polar ice caps are melting! We’re all going to drown! Aaaahhh! Wait, God already said He wasn’t going to do that again (Genesis 9:11). But the consumer-driven church still gets sucked into phony environmentalism, which has been branded “Creation Care.” Zondervan has published the Green Bible, which teaches us …

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